To enrich lives through inspirational experiences
We will achieve our mission through six core strands of work:
1. Programming of quality courses, workshops and events
2. Stewardship of our heritage
3. Nurturing the next generation
4. Creative learning
5. Audience development
6. Business resilience and sustainability
Our Charitable Purposes
- To promote and support the practice of the traditional folk arts, especially as practised in England. This includes traditional dance, music, song, folklore, storytelling, arts and crafts.
- To conserve, maintain and develop the Halsway Manor as a hub for these activities.
Our Aims
The Board of Trustees’ have set aims as follows. To:
- improve skills, knowledge and understanding of the folk arts amongst people of all ages and abilities.
- develop a wider pool of inspiring and competent course leaders.
- further raise the profile of Halsway Manor as a centre of excellence for the folk arts that is accessible for all.
- ensure that we have a sustainable business, aiming to balance the budget and reinvest surpluses in our charitable activities.
- continue to be a well governed and transparent organisation.
What We Do
To achieve our aims we provide
- a range of residential courses and non-residential classes, events and activities throughout the year including traditional dance, music, song, storytelling / folklore and arts and crafts.
- a unique library that contains about 10,000 books and audio recordings about folk music, dance, song, history and folklore that is free to use for visitors and the public generally.
- the buildings and grounds at Halsway Manor for use by visitors and participants.
You can read our Articles of Association here: Halsway Manor Society Ltd – Articles of Association 2018