Leave a Legacy

If you would like to help secure Halsway’s future you might think about leaving a legacy in your will. It is very simple to do and will assist us in keeping this vibrant and unique charity running for future generations.

What is a legacy?
In the context of charitable activity, it is a donation of assets or money left to a charity in your will.

What can you leave in a legacy?
Your estate: everything you own, including property, cash, shares, jewellery, works of art, life insurance and pension payouts.
Residual gift: what is left from your estate after all other bequests, costs and so on, have been deducted.
Pecuniary gift: a specific sum or item.
A percentage of your estate: a gift of a percentage of the value of your estate. For example, a bequest of 5% of an estate valued at £40,000, would provide a gift of £2,000.
Company pensions: if you belong to a company pension scheme, you can complete an “expression of wish” form to benefit a charity of your choice. In the event of your death, the stated proportion of the life insurance benefit will be paid to your chosen charities.

Tax benefits
As well as helping Halsway Manor Society, legacies also have financial benefits for your friends and family.

If you leave a gift to Halsway Manor Society in your will, its value will be deducted from your estate before inheritance tax (IHT) is worked out. In some cases leaving a legacy may help bring the total value of your estate below the taxable threshold (£325,000 for 2018-19).

It is possible for the inheritance tax rate to be reduced to 36 per cent if 10 per cent or more of an estate is left to charity. Taking advantage of this reduced rate would require advice from a solicitor.

It is as simple as writing a few lines in your will. Below are some examples but you should take advice from a solicitor before writing your will.

Example wording for a residuary gift
I give the residue of my estate to Halsway Manor Society, Halsway Lane, Crowcombe, TA4 4BD (Registered Charity Number 247230) for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer of the said charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift.

Wording for a pecuniary or specific gift
I give the sum of £_____ (or the item specified) Halsway Manor Society, Halsway Lane, Crowcombe, TA4 4BD (Registered Charity Number 247230) for its general charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer of the said charity for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said gift.

If you would like to talk to us about this please just give us a call.

Thank you, legacies have been vital to Halsway Manor over the years.