Halsway Manor’s Learning Manager Rachel Dawick has been spending time at Knights Templar First School this week, leading songwriting workshops with the children.
Knights Templar School Year 2 wrote two songs, including one entitled ‘Watchet Town’. Rachel said “after spending the first part of the session talking about how music works and getting some ideas together, 6 years olds wrote this song in about 25 mins with me! The only thing I put in was the ‘seven seas’ in the lyric rather than ‘seas’, but they had heard of it as they had just had a session on sea shanties…. they are so incredible!
You can listen to some of the songs here:
‘Watchet Town’ – Knights Templar Year 2
My name is Lucas
I live in Watchet
We have a lighthouse
It’s a busy town
In the centre
of our town
Is a statue
His name is Yankee Jack
The sea is shining it feels like silk
It’s a very light blue
The sea is shining it looks like glass
And there’s a load of lovely fishes too
He lived in the
Olden days
And he sailed across
The seven seas x 2
The sea is shining it feels like silk
It’s a very light blue
The sea is shining it looks like glass
And there’s loads of lovely fishes too
‘Yankee Jack’ – Knights Templar Year 1
Yankee Jack is sitting on a stool
Yankee Jack was a sailor
Yankee Jack was sailing in a boat
Yankee Jack went to some dangerous places
Watchet Town is a good place
Watchet Town makes me happy
Watchet Town is a safe place
I feel proud to live in Watchet Town.