These guidelines are to help you understand whether a course is suitable for you. Pick the level that best describes your current playing.
Playing by Ear / Reading Music: Some of our courses are taught by ear. On courses where it is necessary to be able to read music, or to be a good sight reader, the course description will make this clear.
Please get in touch if you are unsure; it can be really hard to assess your own ability level, and we’re happy to help you decide.
Level 0: Absolute beginner
- You have your own instrument
- You have no prior experience at all and don’t even know which way up it goes
- You may be completely new to music
Level 1: Beginner
- You are at the beginning of your playing journey
- You may have had a few lessons or attended a few workshops / classes
- You can play a few simple tunes with the right hand
- Learning by ear may be a slow process for you
- OR Reading music may be a slow process for you
Level 2: Improver
- You can play a few tunes with some basic bass patterns, but lack fluency and confidence
- You have some understanding of folk tunes in the most common formats
- You have limited experience of playing in a group setting
- Learning by ear may be a slow process for you
- OR Reading music is possible if you have the fingering written in
Level 3: Intermediate
- You can play a range of tunes with a degree of fluency and confidence (in a group setting)
- It takes you while to play both hands together for a new tune
- Your left hand chord jumps are less reliable
- You have a good understanding of folk tunes, their format and rhythms
- You have some experience of playing in a group setting
- You can pick up tunes by ear given enough time
- OR Reading music is possible given time to try it out
Level 4: Advanced
- You like to work at a fast pace
- You can master a new tune, both hands together quickly and confidently
- You are comfortable playing a wide range of tunes fluently in various time signatures and keys
- You have a solid sense of rhythm
- You are exploring aspects such as ornamentation, phrasing and personal style
- You are familiar with counterbasses, short bass runs and can reliably jump from e.g. the C row to the A row
- You have a lot of experience of playing in a group setting
- You can pick up tunes quickly by ear
- OR You are a confident sight reader